What Now God?
Put God First in Your Day – Pray without ceasing.
Know Your Priorities – Remember what is most important.
Acceptance – “It is what it is.” Quit worrying about what could have been or what you want it to be.
Let Go – Our expectations can be unrealistic and unattainable. Letting go can be a helpful win!
Grieve Your Losses – Mourn, grieve, and feel sadness for your loved ones. When you do it, it’ll allow you to see what you have.
Recognize Two Things Can Be True at Once – We can feel great sadness and joy at the same time. One does not cancel the other out.
Live In The Present Moment – Don’t live yesterday and tomorrow right now.
Count Your Blessings – Focus on being grateful and it will bring an attitude change and an abundance of love.
“The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11, NIV)